Rabindra Jayanti: online celebration binds nationals

Woman Times Rabindra-Utsav

Rabindra Jayanti is India’s one of the most celebrated cultural milieu. His teachings are never-ending and so are his verses. The most important lesson that man can learn from life, is not that there is a pain in this world. But that it is possible for him to transmute it into joy. This pandemic has brought […]

Lockdown Diaries With Moubani Sorcar

Moubani sorcar an actor

Lockdown has twisted all of our lives, sometimes pushing us to depression and other times teaching us a lesson. We are all trying to cope up with this, but how are the celebrities coping up with it? Read as I explore Moubani Sorcar’s lockdown days. Here the name Moubani Sorcar will be initialised as MS. […]