Life in the 21st century is as fast as the scrolling of your Android. As the sun brings you a new day, each day brings you a new challenge, sometimes you sense it and sometimes you don’t. But as the phrase says “The show must go on…” And in this show called life, there are characters, intervals, climax but there is no retake! Neither there is always a happy ending. Every life has a love story but as I said, not every love story is a happy one. Heer-Ranjha, Laila-Majnu, Romeo-Juliet, these epitomai of love doesn’t have a happy ending love story. Well, the time has changed and to the cycle of relationship to end is added another important phase that is break up. Whatever the span of your relationship may be, break up is always depressive. While there is no magic wand which would reprimand your broken relationship, but to deal with the situation here are some important points of how one can cope up with a breakup…
1. Give “yourself” time Empathy is the word used for the ability to understand and share the feelings of another, but when it comes to breaking up, no words can comfort you as such. Although a company of your best friends can act as a healing therapy but give yourself as much time as you need. Do things that please you. Eat your favourite items, dance on your favourite party song or just spend time with your beloved pet. Time is a great healer and a “Me time” would be a much-needed ingredient.

2. Don’t indulge much After break up, almost everyone has a tendency to stalk the person on social networks and even fighting over the phone. Remember the more you stir the dirt, the more it will get dissolved. So a wise idea is to filter it out. Simply stay out of any confrontation. The more you fight the more the affection will build up. So unless you want to give a second chance to your ex-relationship, stay out!
3. Take a break After having a Me-time, just take a break from the daily schedule and unite with your buddies to have some fresh air. The environment always has a deep impact on your mood. So a change in the surrounding will definitely help to get over the situation.

4. Help others Research says performing acts of kindness towards others has been shown to improve well-being and help relieve depression. Get yourself involved in donation activities. A smile in others face can relieve the pain in your heart to a great extent.
5. Indulge in creative activities Even if you are not of a creative gene, indulging yourself to create something new is always a great idea to deviate yourself from those memories. Also after the completion of your work, the amount of self-satisfaction that you will feel will be a great mender.
Nothing can stop your life. Obviously, breakups are very depressive but that is only a pause button which may disrupt your daily schedule for some moments. But as I begin with The show must go on…