Pramita Chakrabartty is the name which many of her fans may not yet know her. But ‘Konok’ is still much popular among her fans. And with the craze of ‘Saat Bhai Champa’, she is all the more famous in the households. Lockdown is breaking nerves and with each day passing, we all can just hope for better days to come across with. Talking with the actor Pramita Chakrabartty, makes me realise that lockdown is not always bad. Here is a snippet of our conversation.
PC: How are you spending your lockdown days?
Pramita: As I am staying at home all the time, I try to take out some time for my skincare regime which otherwise has been always a difficult task. The little that I can do staying at home. I help Maa with her household work at times. Spending time with parents is the gift that this lockdown has given me. I stay busy for the whole day for the shoot hence this time rarely comes in our lives. I must say that I miss Rudrajit (Rudrajit Mukherjee) as he is now at Purulia at his home. It is 2 months ago that we met last.
We both talk a lot over the phone and we are trying to develop a short story based on which we will act. Our families will also be involved in this as the story is written by Rudrajit’s sister. So I am trying to spend my time in a quality way as much as I can.
Also Read: Lockdown Diaries With Moubani Sorcar
PC: What is the one thing you realised this lockdown?
Pramita: Savings! Savings is the most important things that I realized this lockdown. I rather we never thought of such a situation ever even in nightmares. Did we? So, this thing needs a habitual address so that people prepare for such days. Another thing that I have realised is the intensity of love that I and Rudrajit share. Now I wonder how the people conveyed their feelings when there was no technology. I see him through video calls though.
PC: What are your upcoming projects?
Pramita: As of now, nothing is finalised as the lockdown has paralysed everything. All the shootings are closed. I am just hoping to get back to normal life again. Praying for the shoots to begin once again and that everything becomes alright to everyone.

PC: What special measures are you taking against COVID19 virus as you have parents at home?
Pramita: We all know the rules, isn’t it? All the media houses are spreading the word. I also believe to maintain these like washing hands for at least 20 seconds, maintaining hygiene, I do not let my parents go out and ensure that they do the same. My father at times has to go out for grocery shopping. I make sure that he does not forget his mask and after he returns I check if he freshens up properly. They have aged so special care is a must for them.
PC: How is your industry running with all the works being stopped?
Pramita: The work has stopped and hence everyone is disturbed. Every single person is hoping to get back to a normal schedule. But lockdown is equally important given the fact that health is at risk. But if we shoot social distancing can not be maintained for which the whole process of the shoot is halted. In fact, any industry is going through the same situation. Prayers are the only way as it seems.

PC: With parlours closed, how are you maintaining yourself?
Pramita: Yes, it is really a factor. But I having a sensitive skin never depended fully on the parlour. I always used
homemade products like turmeric, ripe papaya and cucumber. Trusting natural products have benefitted me. Though for other services parlours are must which I have to adjust now.
PC: Are you missing the man of your life? How are you keeping the love alive?
Pramita: I am really missing Rudrajit. I never thought that a situation will come where we can’t meet. Being from this generation meting is very obvious and natural. So thinking when we will meet again is so unnatural. I have seen in films where there is a distance in the relationship and lovers wait for months to connect with each other. But yes the phone is the only connection now. But we realised that if love is strong any situation can be aversed.
PC: Are you assisting your mother with your household works?
Pramita: With a soft laugh, she affirms that she is assisting her mother with some household work as per my ability. As I generally do not stay home for the full day, and on off days I take my parents out for an outing, I am now observing how Maa works. One thing I must say that she does not allow me to work much.
PC: Your message to everyone.
Pramita: I will request everyone to stay at home and stay safe. Abide by all the rules, maintain the social distancing and just go out only when you absolutely need it. Wear a mask whenever you go out. Time never stays the same. This is a time which will pass and we shall overcome this. Only we need some patience and courage. Thank you Woman Times such a beautiful conversation.