Lockdown Diary with Pramita Chakrabartty

Pramita Chakrabartty is the name which many of her fans may not yet know her. But ‘Konok’ is still much popular among her fans. And with the craze of ‘Saat Bhai Champa’, she is all the more famous in the households. Lockdown is breaking nerves and with each day passing, we all can just hope […]
Anjali Ganguly: the beauty-preneur talks about her journey

Everybody knows Anjali Ganguly. We all know her as the promoter of a renowned herbal beauty product brand until some years back. Moreover, the conviction with which the lady solved society’s beauty- related problems was truly commendable. Currently, there has been a role-reversal. She is the Company President of Anjali’s Care. Her lifelong goal is to […]