Barriers To Childrens Education

10 Barriers To Children’s Education That Those Living In Poverty Face

Even today, it is said that children from developing or under-developed countries still face problems obtaining a primary education. There are various reasons behind this scenario. Some live in the interior or are unable even to afford direct transport to reach schools. Besides, teachers from such countries are not adequately equipped to impart the correct knowledge. Here you will learn about the 10 major barriers to education in detail. Let us give children’s education that pushes today. 

According to UNICEF, more than 18 million children in the primary age group miss out on schooling. Syria, Sudan, Nigeria, Liberia, Afghanistan, and Niger are just a few places you probably know about. However, there are others as well. 

Barriers To Children’s Education

Untrained Teaching Faculty

It is the biggest issue today. A child relies on a teacher for learning. If the teacher is not adequately trained, you can imagine the consequences. More than 5 million teachers are required worldwide to teach children below the poverty line or who come from under-developed and developing countries. 

The absence of Classroom

It is another issue that children from rural and suburban areas face. In countries like Africa, there is still no infrastructure for primary schools. Numerous children are squeezed into small pens that double up as classrooms. Take the example of Malawi, where there are 130 children in a small classroom. In Chad, most schools do not have potable drinking water and toilets. You will not find such a situation regarding children’s education elsewhere.

Lack of Reading Material 

In Tanzania, six students will often share the same textbook. In Cameroon, it is even worse. Eleven students are sharing the same textbook. You have to understand that, to learn, students require some basic things like textbooks, copies, pencils, worksheets, and a blackboard. 

Being the Wrong Sex 

This is another problem affecting children not only in the Sub-Sahara belt but also in many developing nations. Most patriarchal societies believe that females do not need much education. And, if there is a choice that families need to make between male and female offspring, they choose the former. Poverty-stricken families stress a male child’s education more than a female. 

Also Read: How Has COVID-19 Pandemic Changed Education Forever?

War-stricken Countries

If there is a war-like situation in any country, the children are the worst sufferers. The many casualties of war count education as one. The conflicts prevent the government from functioning correctly, and it often leads to chaos. Moreover, you will be amazed to know that only a tiny percentage of1.4% of global humanitarian efforts are directed towards the resumption of education for such children. 

Hunger and Nutrition

A lack of food in several under-the-poverty line families lead to slack education. Such communities cannot source basic meals a day, leave alone, or education. As many as 150 million children are in this state today. Moreover, malnutrition also affects children’s brain development and cognitive functioning. This is one of the biggest obstacles in children’s education today. 


You will be bewildered that children from a few countries have to walk for 3 hours either way, to and from school each day. In the summers, this may have several health implications as well. Some places do not even have essential bridges so that the children can commute. The long walks can be so tiring that such children are left with no energy and interest after they reach school after so many obstacles in their path. 

Educational Expenses

Many countries have made basic primary education accessible. But for the poorest of low-income families, it is still a luxury. Both parents go out to work every day, and the children are saddled with the household chores. Although primary education is free in some regions in Africa, the parents are sometimes forced to pay for essential consumables like pencils and copies. 

Lack of Funding

According to research bodies, less than 20% of education assistance reaches the poor and developing countries. The developing countries need to increase their budget allocation towards free primary education, which is not happening yet. 

Children with Disabilities

Education today is a global human right. However, more than 93 million specially-abled children do not receive educational support. The reasons are a lack of proper teaching methods and the non-existence of teachers in special education.

There are several ways the government and developed countries can help such countries improve children’s education, which still has a major part of their communities under the poverty line. Many charities and non-profit organizations are working towards the goals. 

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