You must have been wondering what the buzz around Ayurveda is for quite a long time. Well! To be exact, it is a 5,000-year-old science. It is an ancient science of life. If you live your life based on all the ayurvedic principles, you will be healthy, happy, and satisfied. At least, that is what the scriptures say.
As per Ayurveda, all physical entities are made up of Mahabhutas. There are five Mahabhutas or elements. They are air, water, space, fire, and earth. These elements also govern the doshas. Every individual has a certain Prakriti or dosha. You must work according to the Prakriti and keep the doshas balanced at all times.
More and more people are becoming susceptible to diseases due to an imbalance in the doshas. If you follow the ayurvedic daily routine tips, you can also remain healthy and happy.
Let us find out more about Rules For An Ayurvedic Diet
Regimen That You Must Follow
According to the ayurvedic daily routine tips, you must stress two main factors–diet and personal hygiene. Today, you will get some enlightenment about the diet that you must follow.
1. According to Ayurveda, you must always wash vegetables or fruits before consuming them. It is very important to get rid of the external ama or toxins. Moreover, you mustn’t subject the same to too much heat. Deep-fried foods are a strict no-no in Ayurveda. The best methods to cook your food are grilling, steaming, boiling, and blanching. These processes help to retain the prana.
2. A seasonal diet also assumes a lot of importance in Ayurveda. You must consume fruits and vegetables according to the season. During wintertime, you should gorge on citrus fruits, papayas, lemons, mushrooms, cabbages, custard apples, and beets. In the summers, the weather is a menace, so you should have more cooling fruits and vegetables like cucumbers, plums, peaches, mangoes, celery, apricots, bananas, and zucchini. In the rainy season, most of us are vulnerable to infection. So, you have to make it a point to have broccoli, spinach, lettuce, sweet potato, corn, cauliflower, apples, and beets.
3. There are certain rules to eat as well. Do not be in a hurry to finish your meal. You should always chew your food well before swallowing it. If you swallow it whole, it may lead to indigestion. Moreover, you will be more satisfied when you take the time to chew your food. And also crave less.
4. After having your food, it is always advisable to drink little lukewarm water. It has many therapeutic properties. Moreover, it also dissolves the fat you ingest and frees up the arteries. It would help if you always went for a walk after a heavy meal, as it also aids digestion.
5. According to Ayurveda, you should never stuff yourself with food. There should be three portions inside your stomach. A part should be occupied by food, the second by water, and the third should be left empty to facilitate the movement of the doshas.
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6. It is commonly seen in Indian households that people eat lots of whole wheat foods. However, you can choose from other healthy options as well. They are ragi, bajra, jowar, and maize atta. The digestive system will thank you later if you prepare your foods like chapattis, paranthas, and chillas with these flours. These foods also contain a high amount of fibre, which will help you to stay full for a long time.
7. According to the experts’ ayurvedic daily routine tips, you must avoid taking artificial juices and aerated drinks too often. They lead to the formation of gaseous substances that can lead to GERD or gastrointestinal reflux disease.
8. Moreover, it would be best if you refrained from eating when your mind is not stable. During such times, you should meditate and calm yourself down. If you do so, you will not binge eat. Most people eat a lot of junk when sad or stressed out. It turns out to be fatal later on.
9. You should also avoid heavy tasks just after a meal. If you do so, the body’s energies are diverted to perform the heavy tasks, and digestion does not occur properly. The result is acidity and Reflux.
10. For better digestion, you should eat some of the natural digestive condiments, like fenugreek, ginger, amla powder, ajwain, and jeera. It is a good practice to have green tea after a meal, as it aids digestion.
If you follow these ayurvedic daily routine tips, you will never suffer from any stomach ailments. These are the ten rules for an Ayurvedic diet. It would help if you also kept in mind that personal and social hygiene is also important. Keep reading about all such useful information on Ayurveda, and get healthy and better.