Building a business is challenging. However, every entrepreneur had to start from zero to build an empire, and when this table turns to a woman, it becomes more challenging. It does not matter where we start, but how we execute to sustain is crucial.
Businesswoman in India from all age groups and backgrounds are smashing out the stereotypical thoughts of society; it is also changing the business scene somewhat. Women inspire us in all walks of life, playing numerous roles. But when it comes to excelling at entrepreneurship, they not only inspire us but also set noteworthy examples.
Today we will talk about Rupa Chowdhury, a businesswoman who owns a catering business and is a sanitary napkin distributor.
Early Years of Rupa:
Rupa was always a well-pampered and lovable kid in her entire family. Her childhood was good. She was academically sound and had friends time like every average child. “As I was the only sister over three brothers, that automatically turned me the naughtiest, I was the apple of the eye for my parents”, says Rupa (laughing out loudly).
Journey toward business:
Rupa always had a passion for doing something in her life, but before marriage, she did not feel that it was important for a woman to be financially independent. But when her husband faced a difficult time losing all the investment in the share market in 2013, that time made her realize how important it is to make herself financially independent to support her partner. She started working in the private sector, and later in 2015, she established herself as a distributor of Sanitary pads. The Pandemic had a disproportionate impact on women all over the world. So during the lockdown, she started her own catering business, which helped many Covid19 patients during the crisis period.

The catering business is doing well and she wishes to expand it further employing women and generating a healthy livelihood for them.
Receiving POILA TUMI as a businesswoman:
“When Poila Tumi came to me, I was in a doldrum. However, the concept attracted me a lot. The recognition for the medium and small scale industry is very vital in moving ahead in the direction. Poila Tumi made me realize that to keep my family happy and healthy I will have to nurture my soul, as a happy person can keep the surrounding happy. Recognising my work in food industry and women health will surely give me motivation to carry on”, says the Poila Tumi Awardee.

Challenges she faced and overcame:
Rupa says, “I remember, with two kids, working in a private company on 9 to 7 shift, it was getting difficult. My son was an infant who was breastfeeding; holding my baby in one hand and the responsibility of my family on my shoulder made me more powerful.”
“As a businesswoman, when I started my sanitary pad distributing agency, many people kept talking behind my back. That one should not talk about these things openly. But I did not pay attention to any of them. Instead, I kept on walking and preparing myself for the time where I am today. We bleed every month to give birth to a new life. I don’t find any shame in making everyone aware of it”, added the Pad-woman.
Also Read: Conversation of Dr. Saswati Biswas with Woman Times
Contributions of her Family:
I am a lucky woman to have such supporting in-laws and a husband, and they were always there to help and guide me. Marriage is like a car where all the wheels are equally important in driving to the destination, and for our relationship, we stood tall for one another. My husband has played the most significant role in my business and with hard work and his faith in me we are here today. My whole world revolves around my family and my two munchkins. Added Rupa addressing her family and her two kids.

Words to the entire women community:
“I think women can do everything; if we remember Rani Laxmi bai, how brave she was who kept her kid on her back while fighting on the battlefield. If she can, why can’t we do it? People will be there to drag you down, but you set your goal and rule over. Dedication, determination, and patience can take you to where you want to”, says Rupa.
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