Gazpacho Soup Recipe

Gazpacho Soup Recipe: A Valentine Day Special Recipe

Gazpacho Soup Recipe (For 2 serving)

Nothing beats a bowl of cold, refreshing gazpacho on a warm day! This traditional Spanish soup is a vibrant blend of fresh vegetables, packed with flavor and nutrients. Originating from the southern regions of Spain and Portugal, gazpacho is a perfect balance of sweet, tangy, and savory notes, making it a favorite summer dish.

In this recipe, we put a unique twist on the classic by roasting the vegetables for added depth and richness. Served chilled and garnished beautifully, this gazpacho is not only delicious but also light, healthy, and incredibly easy to prepare. Whether enjoyed as an appetizer, a light meal, or a refreshing drink, this soup is sure to impress!

Ingredients for Making Gazpacho Soup Recipe

  • Tomato red – 4 pcs
  • Red bell pepper – 1 Large
  • Cucumber -1 Small Size
  • Onion – 2 medium size
  • Garlic – 7-8 small pods
  • Balsamic Vinegar
  • Salt to taste
  • Bread – 1 slice
  • Olive oil – 1 tsp.

Gazpacho is widely eaten in Spain and Portugal. It is a cold soup or drink made out of blended raw

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Here I have cooked in my own version.

Step 1:
Roast bell-pepper, tomato, onion and garlic. Peel the skin of the roasted vegetables and deseed.

Step 2:
In a blender, blend all the vegetables with a slice of bread and chopped cucumber. Add salt and olive oil.
Add lemon juice if required instead of balsamic vinegar.

Step 3:
Strain blended vegetables.

Gazpacho Soup

Garnish with semi boiled and olive oil poached Tomato and Broccoli

Salt rim
Run a piece of lemon juice around the rim of a glass and dip the rim on to the saucer of salt.

Pour gazpacho soup in the glass and Serve cold

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