Food to boost immunity

Immunity booster can be an answer to prevent diseases

Immunity boosting is not a matter of a day or two, it has to be in our lifestyle. It has to be inculcated in our day-to-day habits. One of the most important ways to stay healthy is to adopt habits that strengthen immunity. I am discussing few things to strengthen your body immunity but it will only come if you are obedient to the rules.

Tips to increase immunity:

Rules like getting enough sleep, managing stress, being active, washing your hands properly, and yes, eating well. While no food or supplement can ‘cure’ or even 100% prevent you from catching a virus like a coronavirus or the flu, some foods have been shown to help boost immunity.

  • Exercise is a must, it helps to build immunity. Breathing exercises are also very necessary.
  • Sugar intake should be very low as sugar comes in between the building of immunity.
  • Vitamin C, the superstar nutrient in citrus, is famous for its role in supporting the immune system. While vitamin C can’t prevent illness, it has been studied in people with respiratory infections, with benefits primarily seen in those who had suboptimal blood level in between the building of immunity. Vitamin C is the main nutrient which helps in strengthening the immunity.
  • Apart from this, lots of fresh fruits and vegetables should be consumed. Some important food items are:
  1. Almonds
  2. Blueberries
  3. Broccoli
  4. Sweet potato
  5. Spinach
  6. Garlic
  7. Green tea
  8. Ginger
  9. Lemon
  10. Sunflower seeds
  11. Red bell pepper
  12. Pomegranate
  13. Oranges
  14. Guavas

Special Care:

Pregnant women, some people with chronic health conditions, and people with conditions that mean they can’t eat properly or are on very restrictive diets may need specific supplements. Talk to your Doctor, Dietitian or Pharmacist.

Homemade immune booster:

Immunity boosterIndian spices also play a very important part in the building of immunity. We can make a drink of the following ingredients and have it every day:

Organic turmeric 1tsp

Cumin seeds 1tsp

Coriander 1tsp

Fennel seeds 1tsp

Dry ginger powder 1/2 tsp

Cardamom powder 1/2 tsp

Mix all of them and boil with 2 glass of water and have this drink every day. 1 cup for the adults and children can have 1/4th cup. This will increase the strength of the body. It is true that some supermarkets are out of certain products at the moment. But as much as possible, focus on eating a variety of foods within each of the basic food groups to boost your intake of vitamins and minerals.

While vitamin and mineral supplements are not recommended for the general population, there are some exceptions. Do take care of your sanitisation. Eat right, eat light Stay happy, stay healthy Hare Krishna!

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