‘Woman of Steel’ is the only Indian entrepreneur in the steel designing industry

“One woman makes two families.”

          – Deepika Jindal, Entrepreneur and Founder of Arttdinox.

Entrepreneur means to take risks and formulate unique propositions which go well with this entrepreneur. The woman of Steel, the Lady of aesthetics for steel and many more adjectives may define this person who dared to define her identity in a way more difficult at the age of 38 with two kids – Aabhyuday and Urvi, approximately ready to be college goers and she is Deepika Jindal, the Chairperson of Arttd’inox, a lifestyle division of Jindal Stainless Ltd. and is actively engaged in bringing innovative design concepts in tableware, home décor and kitchen concepts to the Indian household.

A Calcutta born Laurentian and married early at the age of 19 years, Deepika never thought her life will take a revolutionary plunge into the steel industry which was difficult with the ceramics ruling the market. Moreover, the longevity of steel products would have made the work all the more difficult but with skill and confidence, Mrs

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Jindal proved that strong determination can move mountains. Equipped with passion, but lack of technology, tested Deepika Jindal’s patience in pursuing her passion. There were ups and downs in this journey nevertheless my husband and my mother were always through my journey supporting me.

Deepika giggles while reminiscing, “I got lot of encouragement from Ratan Jindal, his technological knowhow, financial support, and also personally. It was his interest in my work that pulled me ahead. My parents also helped me saying me to send them the products so that they too can see the sales.”

Wife of the steel baron Ratan Jindal, Deepika never thought of plunging into the steel industry before Mr Jindal seeded into her the idea of joining the steel industry, which was novice in the Indian market in terms of aesthetics and design. The idea of ‘Arttd’inox’ came through intense travelling by the Jindal couple where they witnessed

Designer stainless steel kitchen set up

metal products par excellence in artistic purport. “We saw many beautiful metal products overseas but in India, the widely used metal – steel – is considered as cheap and not beautiful. Hence generated the idea of making steel into extremely exquisite steel products to make it more desirable,” says Deepika Jindal. The natural inheritance of creation in woman bugged her and she grabbed the opportunity without any fear. Under her aegis, Arttd’inox has won the lot of highly acclaimed awards such as EDIDA, India Design Mark, Red Dot (honorary award). Deepika has a team of in-house designers from the National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) and the National Institute of Design (NID) who closely work at the Design Centre. The products of Arttdinox are 100% stainless steel that is hygienic, wear and tear free and sturdy suitable for the Indian market. In 2015 FY the turnover was Rs. 400 crores. 

Three things from her life can be lessons for entrepreneurs and those are that she delved into the field she had no idea of. She did not go through any training or had not indulged in any research work before she started her journey which she thinks is vital to any start-up. With too much brand stores opening in many cities may not be right if indulged too quickly. One should be slow and patient. “Be smart in expansion plans and not fast,” says Deepika to the budding entrepreneurs of these days. Last and not the least she believes in her CEO as the person on the chair is always the right person to take a company forward. A CEO may handle the company with care if it fumbles. She advocates change is the constant and hence one should not be rigid in anything but flexible.

Mrs Jindal analyses the Calcutta (Kolkata) market as conservative yet. The expenditure pattern is very taut. On the other hand, it has the potentiality to grow but it is slow in accepting changes than the other Indian markets. There is a room for niche customers’ demand in Calcutta.

Ratan Jindal and Deepika Jindal married in the early years of their life having a golden bond between the two both professionally and personally. Commenting on their relation Ratan Jindal’s wife says,

“Initially to Ratan Jindal I was a baby, professionally, but now I am a lioness. When he comments I stop him saying I know better. You do B2B and I do B2C. But I do value his advice a lot as he has very good aesthetic sense and gives valuable inputs on business.”

Sunita, a registered trainer at JSL


Deepika has a daunting confidence and being the only one in the industry she is carrying her entrepreneurial skills to develop the steel industry in the modular kitchen and other decors and artefacts. India has a long way to go with the

steel innovations. With her intense interest in Corporate Sustainability Responsibility, she strongly believes in women empowerment and she proved it when she employed 75 women from Haryana, known for conservativeness towards women, into her steel plant. Not only this but the Jindal Stainless Limited (JSL) and its subsidiaries have collaborated with Xynteo Ltd. to start a women entrepreneurship program in the year 2015 and it resulted in women participation and many like Sunita, (a registered trainer of the entrepreneurship program) joined despite strong opposition from her husband, registered for the program. She said, “This will help women like me become self-reliant and raise our children right.” She wants other women in her community to step out of their homes and knows they will, “once they see us earning and leading financially stable lives.”


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