Health Benefits of Turmeric and Curcumin

10 Proven Health Benefits of Turmeric and Curcumin

Turmeric is one of the spices, that we have been using for times immemorial. The golden hue, is something without which food preparations are somehow incomplete. This yellow color, is one of the most important ingredients in Asian kitchens as well. Grandma’s home remedies are insufficient without the golden spice. You will be amazed to know about the myriad health benefits of Turmeric.

You must be wondering which ingredient in this spice gives it so many qualities. Read on to know about it here.
Turmeric and Curcumin

Turmeric is an effective nutritional health supplement for many individuals today. The turmeric rhizomes contain several compounds, and curcuminoids are among the strongest. Curcumin is the most active one among all the curcuminoids. Moreover, it has many anti-inflammatory properties as well.

Benefits Of Turmeric:

Turmeric contains Curcumin, which is an anti-inflammatory compound. If you manage to contract a virus that causes inflammation in the body, Curcumin can help to protect your body. Chronic inflammation can often render the body’s defense mechanism, to get weak. If you continue to suffer from chronic low-level infection, it can jeopardize your body. Thus, you can develop heart diseases, metabolic diseases, and even cancer in the long run. That is the reason why you should include Turmeric in your food daily.

Turmeric also contains many bioactive compounds. However, the level of the compounds is as low as 3%. So, you have to ingest large quantities of the rhizome or the powder, which is not possible. Therefore, most medicinal companies have come up with extracts in capsules. That is why you should increase your intake of capsules in the long run. But Curcumin is not readily absorbed by the body. So, it would be best if you took pepper along with it, as it helps to absorb the beneficial effects of the Curcumin.

Turmeric can reduce oxidative damage. It means that Turmeric has the capability to stop or control aging. When free radicals evade the body, the body undergoes aging. Free radicals can react with fatty acids inside the body. However, anti-oxidants help the body to get over its reactions. Curcumin has the power to neutralize the damaging effects of the free radicals.

Curcumin has been shown to improve the functioning of brain-derived neurotrophic factors. It helps to promote the growth of healthy neurons. Many common brain disorders are due to fewer neurons and damaged ones. Laboratory and clinical experiments have shown that Curcumin has the power to stop the degeneration of neurons and protect the brain. Thus, the health benefits of Turmeric are many.

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Curcumin also has the power to lower the incidence of heart diseases. It is one of the number one reasons for deaths across the world. Curcumin protects the heart by guarding the endothelium. If the endothelium is damaged, it may lead to heart ailments. Curcumin also cures inflammation and oxidative processes.

Turmeric can also help prevent cancer. Cancer is a disease where there is abnormal cell division. But Curcumin can help in myriad ways by killing cancerous cells. It also reduces the growth of blood vessels in tumors.
Curcumin helps cure Alzheimer’s disease. It is the most common form of Dementia. There is no cure for it, but it can be controlled to a certain extent. It is a known fact that this disease forms plaques in the brain. Curcumin can dissolve the plaques and cure the disease to a certain extent.

It can cure Arthritis and manage the symptoms like pain very well. The anti-inflammatory action acts on the joints and also lubricates them. So, one can get relief from Arthritis pain.

Curcumin also reduces depression. It is mainly connected with a decreased hypothalamus. Apart from that, neurons also have a huge role to play. Curcumin can guard against the degeneration of brain cells and stop depression. These are myriad benefits of Turmeric. Curcumin fights weight gain as well. It suppresses the growth of fat tissues. It also regulates sugar levels within the body.

You can now get the best treatments at home with the kitchen ingredient called Turmeric. Make us of it in every quarter of your life today.

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