Business or working for women in India comes with lot of complications. Getting married, having children, and family obligations have always held women back. But recent research have revealed that 3.5 –15.7 million businesses in India are run by women. With a 1 year and few months son, Nupur Mullick had no option to work as her husband work in the West Bengal Police department. However, fashion and stylizing was inculcated in her blood as her own jewelries were customized by her.
Nupur Mullick, in her thirties, can be claimed as a successful businesswoman. Generating employment for many other women Nupur believes in empowering women. In her words,
” I always had the wish to do something of my own but owing to my husband’s profession I could not. But ways reveal themselves if one wishes to walk the path. For me things were falling in place when our rent owner (a lady) appreciated my choice of accessories and jewelries. I was always encouraged for my style. So she told me that she feels bad to always ask for jewelry and it would have been better if she would have a business of her own. Thus started the trigger to start this venture – The Golden Jewellers by Nupur. Moreover, in 2018 it was the period of online live streaming. The craze was building up and there were very few sellers who took to the online platform to sell.”
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Nupur made an investment of Rs. 2,000 initially and started her own business, then known as Nupur’s Alankar, which later has been renamed as The Golden Jewellers by Nupur. She has never asked for help to start her own venture and kept her minimum investment rolling for the next 1 year and 6 months. The profit was saved to invest again to buy new designs. And all her designs were highly acknowledged. She visited the ‘karigaar’ herself and made sure that all the designs are unique and creative. Something that she likes will surely by liked by others.
Now, Nupur has been able to provide employment to many women who earn their livelihood and are self dependent. The fact that they don’t have to ask for money from their husband is a great relief for them and make the mini business lady happy to boost about.

The businesswoman believes in self independency and hence she has partnered her husband in buying a flat in an apartment with more than 14 lakhs of her own savings from her business. She has recently bought a property and plans to expand her business further.

Her page The Golden Jewellers by Nupur has more than lakhs of viewership and engagement. And all her live programs are loved by her clients. Recently she has been assigned with the task to decorate the idol of maa Durga which she has successfully done and has been appreciated.

Nupur has been very particular about the quality and design. All her jewelries are gold polished with 1.5 gms lacquered gold with 3 to 6 months guarantee. This means that the metal is safe for people with sensitive skin and can be wore by all age groups.
With quality assurance and hard conviction, Nupur strives to take The Golden Jewellers to a greater heights.
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