Whenever we talk about women’s empowerment, either we talk about Indira Gandhi or Kalpana Chawla, don’t you feel strange? Or we can say we have limited options. After reading this article, you will think a bit that women are much ahead even in the fields, which is beyond one’s imagination.
The world is full of challenges and obstacles. Few women strive and draw out their best from them. Women usually face problems at work and may even hear much say, “This is not what women are supposed to.” as much as the world says, women can conquer and beat everyone’s thoughts regarding them.
Here is an inspirational story of an Indian talent that will make you believe that passions can be an exciting profession. Success comes to those who believe in themselves and work hard to achieve it. In the story of Nita Bhattacharya, she is the only Indian woman who is doing ocean diving in the pacific ocean.
Her Childhood:
Born and brought up in an aristocratic Bengali family, she was always much into studies. Being a topper, she had an extra curriculum in recitation and dramas. Like every typical Indian parent, she too had strict parents who always wanted her to study rather than pay attention to anything else. But she always had an exciting area in physical activities like sports and swimming. But back then the career-oriented things used to be prioritized. As we all know, whatever we want to be in life has grown within us since childhood, and the same thing happened to her. She always had a different kind of connection with swimming.
“I always wanted to do something one day that will be unique; and it happened,” says Nita.
Journey as an Ocean diver:
After leaving her job in Banglore, she went abroad and settled down there. She stays on an island near the Pacific ocean, so snorkeling and scuba diving like stuff are major career options for everyone. It always excited her when she used to look at the Asian woman who was into it. Then she decided to enhance her knowledge of swimming. She joined PADI Australia for her formal theory training in ocean diving. And later on, she started her practical classes as well. In that way, her journey towards diving began. “As I always wanted to do something bigger and unique, I found this very interesting, and my never-ending love for sea and ocean will stay within me always; I am on training as a recuse operation scuba driving,” says Nita.

Also Read: Neha Singh – from academics to fashion, her talent is glittering nationally.
Treasure of Experience:
“Well, I am in love with the world beneath the sea bed; whenever I go deep down, I completely feel like I belong to them. And that is every experience I can’t describe in a single word. But I had a moment of fear as well. One day, when I was doing scuba diving, I got attracted to a colorful snake and started clicking its pictures. And all of a sudden, it frowned then, and there I got back. Even though I did shark diving, I didn’t feel afraid of it; but that snake moment scared me a lot,” said Nita laughing out louder.

Criticism and challenges:
Like every other profession, we need to face the primary challenges; she had also faced the same. But her passion and never-give-up attitude made her what she is today; the only Indian woman scuba diver in pacific tag didn’t come more easily. It took her lots of dedication and hard work. And finally, she made her individuality.
Message to the woman:
Indian woman can go a long way; if I am doing it, you can do it as well, come out of your shells, and explore yourself as much as you can. The academics do something unique, something different; which can let you stand in a crowd”. Said Nita addressing the woman of the society.
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