RAA means creation and a woman is the best example who create. A girl who had many dreams, thirst to serve the society and the destined push that drove her to the destination 4 years back. An entrepreneur of many start-ups, Raggnee is evolving in the industry with a niche client base. Masters in Food Science, a nutritionist, fashion designer she is an inspiration to many.
“Raa means ‘creation’ and I wanted to create a fitter and fashionable women. Raggnee Agarwala strongly feels this has been the call of the Universe to create a space for women in Kolkata.”
Raggnee and her journey:
Raggnee always had things on her mind that is getting manifestations now. A nutritionist in Mumbai, years ago, having radio shows to address the audiences her expertise serves people. After marriage, her profession halted as the family and children became her priorities. But as her dreams never slept, and her zeal had the fire in it she was constantly working for the things she wanted. Gratifying the friends and people around her who trusted in her abilities, Raggnee expresses that the trust pushed her to the path left behind. Her son now looks up to her with pride and believes his mother can work wonders.
“The people who trusted me took my words and diet charts seriously. They obeyed the routine and believed that my diet chart shall work wonder on them. This is the faith that I have come back.” says Raggnee.

Entrepreneurial Journey:
Raa Stitch in Style, a tailoring unit, has gone long ways from doing two garments at the most in a month to loads of orders flowing in from clients. It is never easy for anyone, nor was it for her. Raggnee started taking orders from her relatives and her profit margin at the starting point was merely Rs. 200 fair enough to satisfy her creative soul. Then she handled all the works herself to save even an ounce to buy the materials for her next order. Now her turnover per month is around 3 lakhs employing more than 15 employees under her.
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Her other venture that has revived with the designing part is Raa-Food and Soul. It has been a reversal thing that something that she started revived through the later venture. There are many pageant participants and winners who come to stitch their dreams with Raggnee. Knowing her prowess in the nutrition field they ask her advice following which they got the best results. “I never forced them for any food. I was flexible with their food pattern, gave them low-fat diets and their trust together created magic” says the nutritionist.

Her new venture ‘EMPOWERING LIVES’ is scaling high in numbers than it has been thought. She believes that “If the intent is correct, more hands join in and the outcome is growth”. She founded this to upscale the work of people, which is the most challenging in this pandemic, by upscaling various skills of the masses that is important for working online. Major Mohommed Ali Shah is the co-founder of this venture, which holds a mission and vision to help people grow and enhance their communication skills and to adopt a positive lifestyle.

Upcoming Plan for Raa:
Raa has to go miles before it settles. She believes including more people to work better. She has been adding feathers to her cap with as many as four ventures including ‘Sristi‘. Sristi is an art, music and creative compilation that is meant to soothe the soul in this chaotic social distraction.
‘RAA’ Products and Brand speciality:
Raa is customisable hence it is within one’s budget. Raggnee takes special care in creating designs and she works with her employees to ascertain the quality. Her diet charts, fashionable clothes, talk shows and creative attempt cumulatively produce a flame of inspiration. A woman even after marriage can take care of the family together with her venture is well proven.